Probably best known for his signature shade of blue and for the monochrome paintings he created, Yves Klein also made a foray into the world of furniture design. This iconic table is from an edition that was begun in 1963 under the supervision of Yves Klein’s widow, Rotraut Klein-Moquay, based on a model he designed in 1961. Klein designed the table in three different versions: Klein Blue (IKB) pigment, rose pigment (Monopink/MP), as well as gold/yellow (Monogold/MG). Table Rose is a Perspex-and-glass table filled with Rose pigment. The form of the table is very simple, very elegant, and meant really to disappear, built as it is of plexiglass with a glass top. The pigment is all.
“ It was in 1947 that the idea of a conscious monochrome vision came to me…Pure, existential space was regularly winking at me, each time in a more impressive manner, and this sensation of total freedom attracted me so powerfully. „