Too Darn Hot represents a landmark moment for Tom Sachs’ investigations of the past, present and future of authentication. The 13-colour silkscreen print depicts LACMA's Frankenrocket, with a Cup Noodles-branded tail, a Chanel body, and Trojan nose-cone. The terms Frankenrocket was coined during Sachs’ NFT project called Rocket Factory, where people could purchase NFTs of rocket components and use them to build a rocket. If those components matched, they created a new Perfect Rocket NFT. If not, they created a "Frankenrocket“. Too Darn Hot is produced with semi-gloss varnish, printed on 600gsm Somerset Tub Sized Satin paper and authenticated by a QR code printed in UV-light sensitive ink, which connects each print with the original Too Darn Hot NFT metadata on the blockchain. Additionally, the prints contains a bespoke deboss, which includes information from the launch of Sachs’ physical Too Darn Hot rocket at LACMA in 2021, a holographic sticker, a unique QR code linking to a certificate of authenticity stored on the blockchain, and an individually-stamped edition number.
“ The thing about faith is that it's for the faithful. It only works if you believe in it. „