With the Celebration series, Koons offers a reimagined iconography of the gemstone found in nature, which takes billions of years to form, in a brand new colour. The Diamond becomes a vehicle for the artist to communicate and reflect upon consumerism and mass production specifically related to festivities.
Similarly to the original and monumental sculpture of the Diamond (1994-2005), measuring more than 2 metres wide and created in five unique colour versions, the porcelain sculpture shown here shares a highly polished chromium surface that reflects light and that mirrors its surroundings.
The Diamond (Blue) is now available on Weng Contemporary and can be purchased as a single piece or together with Diamond (Red) in a set with matching edition numbers.
Diamond (Red) was sold out by the publisher already in 2021. It is highly unlikely that any additional colour will be produced.
“ (...) The only thing the artist can do is be honest with themselves and make the art they want to make. That’s what I’ve always done. „