This Rose comes from Longo's Ophelia series. Surprisingly, Robert Longo has depicted a natural object in color: a rich, deep red rose. But here again, he renders his subject at its best, in this case at the moment of the rose’s full bloom, at the height of its maturity and beauty. Be it with a rose or with the explosion of a nuclear bomb, Robert Longo has a knack for depicting an essential phenomenon – the course of life from birth to the apex of its splendor and, ultimately, death. It is a phenomenon of deadly beauty, for it lets us bear witness to the unfolding of the scheme of life, which per se contains a prescience of the end. Untitled (Rose, from Ophelia) belongs to the printer's proof edition of 15 prints (aside from the edition of 75).
“ The roses and the bombs and the waves are things that exist at the moment of their being: [...]They are at the moment of their fulfillment. „