It is with great delight that we present you with three highly sought-after dreamscape editions by Joel Mesler. These silkscreens have been created this year to accompany the artist's first solo exhibition in Asia titled In the Beginning, this summer at the Lévy Gorvy gallery in Hong Kong. Each edition is based on a painting from this show. With In the Beginning Mesler revisits his childhood memories while simultaneously building bridges with the history of art. Mesler's visual language is equipped similarly to the exotic painterly depictions of Henri Rousseau and Paul Gauguin, with a rich palette of vivid green hues and luring starry eyes acknowledging the presence of the viewer.
“ "The paintings come out of the memories of nights my parents would go out for the evening. They would usually tuck me into my bed and kiss me goodnight, my mom leaving red lipstick residue smudged on my cheek. As I would fall asleep, all these elements would swirl through my mind as I hit REM. Their parting words to me, ‘Honey, you deserve great things’ and ‘The world is yours,’ and the animals in my wallpaper would meet with the furs of my mother’s jackets, the colors of their clothes and the smells of their perfume and cologne. (...) The paintings in this show are my dreamscapes as my parents and I moved through the night.” „