Weng Contemporary


Flowers-Andy Warhol-1

Throughout art history, the flower and its symbolism have been a subject matter for many renowned artists. Andy Warhol explored the qualities of the flower image through his Pop Art prism in the Flower series of 1964, thus creating cartoon-like symbols that would be instantly recognised. The 1964 Flower series became one of his most iconic and successful works.
 Based on a discovered photograph of hibiscus blossoms, Warhol drenched the flowers’ floppy shapes with a variation of vibrant colours, transforming them into psychedelic indoor décor. Playing with traditional art historical themes, Andy Warhol gave a particular twist to this historically accepted symbol of life. The electric colours of his flowers, drawn from a darker and rich undergrowth background might be the indicator of an extreme vision of life, a life lived on the edge. The present work has been published in 1968 by Modern Master Tapestries, New York.

“ Cheerful and refreshing Flowers series includes some of Warhol's most lushly colored, decorative, and ingratiating works. „

Andy Warhol