Andy Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Cans are perhaps the most well-known images of American modern art and have become a symbol of American Pop Art. Initially created as a series of thirty-two canvases in 1962, it was first exhibited at the Ferus Gallery in Los Angeles, and displayed together like product at a grocery store. Between the 32 flavors, there are subtle differences and imperfections, meaning that this really was ‘high’ art dwelling on a ‘low’ — everyday, readily available or seemingly mundane — subject. The very essence of Pop Art itself. Warhol’s inspiration for the series developed from his personal life. He explained: “I used to drink it. I used to have the same lunch every day, for 20 year, I guess, the same thing over and other”. This sense of repetition was both internalized by the artist and embodied by commercial mass culture.
“ I don’t think art should be only for the select few. I think it should be for the mass of the American people. „